Chamber of Commerce

Fayette Chamber presents awards

The Fayette Area Chamber of Commerce presented awards at its June 6 luncheon. Shown from left: Mark Montague (accepting the “Citizen of the Year” award for Larry Humber), Fayette Chamber President Russ Taylor, Kathy Bordelon (“Volunteer of the Year”) and Fayette Chamber Director Emily Montague.

The Fayette Area Chamber of Commerce held a “Volunteers Appreciation Luncheon” on June 6 to recognize and honor volunteers throughout the community.


Officials deliver ‘State of the Community’ at luncheon

Fayette County EMA Director Russ Taylor spoke at the luncheon, encouraging Fayette citizens to contact his office if they have questions concerning emergency situations.

Several local officials and community leaders delivered the “State of the Community” during the Feb. 4 Fayette Area Chamber of Commerce’s “First Tuesday” Luncheon. Fayette Mayor Ray Nelson said that the state of the City of Fayette is very strong, with the city experiencing significant growth in 2019. He said the unemployment rate in the city is currently 2.7 percent. “If you’re looking for a job, you should be able to find one,” he said.


Freeman speaks at ‘First Tuesday’ luncheon

Probate Judge Mike Freeman addresses the Chamber luncheon.

Fayette County Probate Judge Mike Freeman said that he learned quickly that he would have to get his “on-the-job training” after he was elected as probate judge. “Nothing I had done prior to being elected fully prepared me for the job of probate judge, he said. “You learn quickly, but everything has gone pretty smoothly.”


Wilcox speaks at Fayette Chamber Banquet

Shown is Chamber Director Daniel White, Outgoing Chamber President William Eaves, Chamber Banquet speaker Tommy Wilcox, and incoming Chamber President Kelli Foster.

The Fayette Area Chamber of Commerce held its 2019 banquet on Tuesday, May 21 at Bevill State Community College. Guest speaker for the event was former University of Alabama All-American defensive back and current TV show host Tommy Wilcox. Wilcox played on Coach Paul “Bear” Bryant’s last football team at Alabama, and also served as one of the pallbearers at Bryant’s funeral.


Wilcox to speak at Chamber banquet

Tommy Wilcox, former All-American football player at the University of Alabama and current host of the popular hunting and fishing show, “Tommy Wilcox Outdoors” will be the guest speaker at this year’s Fayette Area Chamber of Commerce banquet. The banquet will begin at 6:30 p.m. on Tuesday, May 21 and will be held in the Earl McDonald Auditorium of Bevill State Community College, Fayette Campus. Tickets for the event are $15 each and will include a meal. Tickets can be purchased by contacting the Chamber’s office.


Perry speaks at Chamber Luncheon concerning Senator Doug Jones

Jose Perry is shown speaking at the Chamber Luncheon.

Jose Perry, representing U.S. Senator Doug Jones’ office, spoke at the Oct. 2 Fayette Area Chamber of Commerce First Tuesday Luncheon concerning Jones’ actions in Congress.
Perry said that Jones has a deep-rooted love of God and country similar to most of the citizens of Fayette County. “Doug Jones has the issues of Fayette County at-heart,” Perry told the audience.