Council approves rate increases for Mulitpurpose Complex Center
The Fayette City Council held a meeting on Monday, Dec. 23 at Fayette City Hall, with all members present. The meeting opened with a prayer followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.
The Fayette City Council held a meeting on Monday, Dec. 23 at Fayette City Hall, with all members present. The meeting opened with a prayer followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.
FMC board members were on hand to receive a check from the city council. Pictured from left to right on the back row: Jerry Nichols, Tommy Williams, Aliska Hughes-Monroe and Eddie Campbell; front row from left to right: Rhonda Hicks, Jackie Waldon, FMC Administrator Rodney Clark, Hospital Board Chairman Charles Brandon, Mayor Rod Northam, Secretary of Treasurey Sandy Nolen, Heath Reed and Jason Nelson.
The council held its regular meeting on Tuesday, Sept. 24, at Fayette City Hall. All council members were present except for Councilwoman Virettia Whiteside. The meeting commenced with a prayer led by Chris Herbert, minister at Fayette First Methodist Church, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance led by Councilman Tommy Williams.
Junior City Council Mayor Emily Huang is shown surrounded by council and community members during her last Fayette City Council meeting.
The Fayette City Council held its regular meeting on Tuesday, July 23, at Fayette City Hall. All council members were present except for Councilwoman Aliska Hughes-Monroe. The meeting commenced with a prayer led by Scott Smyth, pastor at Vision Church, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance recited by Councilman Jerry Nichols.
The Fayette City Council held its regular meeting on Tuesday, June 25, at Fayette City Hall. All council members were in attendance, with the exception of Councilwoman Virettia Whiteside. The meeting commenced with a prayer led by Rick McCabe, an elder at Central Church, and the Pledge of Allegiance recited by Councilman Tommy Williams.
The Fayette City Council held its regular council meeting on Tuesday, March 26. All council members were present for the meeting. Reverend Kelcey Hale opened the meeting with prayer and also led the Pledge of Allegiance.
The Fayette City Council reappointed Steven Nolen as municipal judge for the city during its Dec. 27 meeting. Councilwoman Aliska Hughes-Monroe was absent from the meeting, with all council members present. Prior to the start of the meeting, Mason Bonner led the council in prayer, and the Pledge of Allegiance was led by Tori Nichols and a youth group from the Trinity Church of God.
The Fayette City Council voted during its July 13 meeting to extend the one-half cent sales tax that is earmarked for the Fayette Medical Center. All council members were present for the meeting. Prior to the start of the business portion of the meeting, Tim Oliver, assistant pastor at Olive Branch Church, led those in attendance in prayer. His daughter, Hannah Oliver, led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Toni Robertson, representing the Fayette Area Community Development Corporation (CDC), attended the July 28 meeting of the Fayette City Council to address the council concerning a liquor license for a proposed hotel. All council members were present for the meeting.
The Fayette City Council held its rescheduled regular council meeting on Monday, Nov. 18. The meeting was originally scheduled for Tuesday, Nov. 12, but was rescheduled when a quorum of the members of the mayor-council body were not present. All members and Mayor Ray Nelson were present for the rescheduled meeting. Fayette Police Officer Will Warren, who recently completed his training at the law enforcement academy, was present also at the meeting and led those in attendance in the Pledge of Allegiance to the U.S. flag.