Fayette BOE hears audit report, makes personnel changes

Shown at the June 26 Fayette County Board of Education meeting, from left: Superintendent Jim Burkhalter, Board President Tom Hubbert, and board members Sam Sullivan, Keith Madison, Tim Fields, John Stowe and Waldon Tucker.

The Fayette County Board of Education received its audit report and made several personnel changes during its June 26 meeting. Brooke Hynds, of the Alabama Department of Examiners of Public Accounts, reported to the board that no irregularities were found regarding the finances for the 2017-18 school year. She emphasized that the audit was a good clean audit for the entire school system. The board accepted the resignations of Shelby Humphres and Michelle Porter, both teachers at Fayette Elementary. These resignations are effective immediately. The resignation of Ronald Hamilton, social studies teacher and head basketball coach at Fayette County High School, was accepted, effective retroactively to June 13.


See complete story in The Times-Record.
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